Clown Goby

Gobiodon okinawae

Common Names: Yellow Clown Goby

Place Of Origin: Indo-Pacific Ocean

Diet: Carnivore

Temperament: Inter-Species Aggressive, Passive

Reef Compatibility: Reef Safe

Level of Care: Easy

Minimum Size Aquarium:  10+

Maximum Size: 1.5 Inches

The Yellow Clown Goby is one of many varieties of colorful Goby that can enhance the atmosphere of a marine aquarium. Due to the small adult size of the Yellow Clown Goby of only 1.5 inches, it can be housed in as small as a 10-gallon aquarium if not housed with other Clown Gobies. They do tend to be aggressive to same species tank mates. Yellow Clown Gobies are very passive towards other species and make great tank mates even among larger fish. This easy to While considered to be reef safe they can nip at  some types of corals that have smaller polyps.  Otherwise, they tend to be non-destructive to live rock or coral. Aquarium conditions similar to the Indo-Pacific Ocean, its natural habitat, will commonly allow the Yellow Clown Goby to breed in captivity.

The Gobiodon okinawae will display a ferocious appetite at feeding time which showcases its lively colors as it darts from coral cave to open water. Once accustomed to the new environment the Yellow Clown Goby will frequently stay suspended for all to see, occupying the open spaces and watching its tank mates play and commonly join in the fun!


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