Centropyge loriculus

Dwarf Flame

Place Of Origin: Indo-Pacific Ocean, Tahiti, Christmas Islands

Diet: Omnivore

Temperament: Moderate Aggression

Reef Compatibility: Low Danger to Reef

Level of Care: Moderate

Minimum Size Aquarium:  30+

Maximum Size: 4 Inches

The Flame Angelfish varies greatly in pattern depending on the location of its harvest. Also known as a Dwarf Flame for its small size of only 4 inches when mature, Flame Angelfish are commonly taken from areas near Tahiti and the Christmas Islands. They require enclosures of thirty gallons or more if others are to be introduced. It is suggested to add the Flame Angelfish as the last member of an aquatic community to lower the risk of aggression towards newcomers as they are do not welcome to changes in the environment. Provide a wide spectrum of meal preparation solutions to simulate the omnivorous feeding habits of the Flame Angelfish.

To properly care for this moderately difficult fish, it is important to understand its sensitivity to fluctuations in PH levels and concentrations of various metals. The Centropyge loriculus will pick at soft corals and clams if they are not steadily fed with meaty bits and pieces of shrimp and enriched Angelfish food. Flame Angelfish are very social once established and will stay mostly in sight and ready to eat at a moment’s notice. If properly cared for this Angelfish can and often will breed in an aquarium, providing an eloquent dance at dusk during courting seasons.


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    JC@fantasticaquariums.com Cline Jeremy